The Line - Main Titles

Apple TV





In modern warfare, “the line” is rarely clear, with significant ambiguities and rules existing in tandem that only those on the ground can truly understand. Jigsaw Productions wanted to reflect on this delicate balance in the main titles for their first Apple TV+ series. 

Following the story of U.S. Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, the series is centered around the 2018 incident where a team broke the code of silence to accuse their chief of war crimes, ultimately leading to a media storm sharply dividing American public opinion. The series examines the lines the United States can or cannot cross, as well as the physical and emotional toll on some of our most elite operators. 



Kate Swift

Creative Director

Ed Rhine

Design & Animation

Jason Oberg, Adam Schmisek


We began our design phase presenting artistic treatments that extrapolated upon themes of the series. Jigsaw gradually came to the conclusion it was more important to take an editorial approach that would establish the subject matter. With a foundation consisting primarily of combat footage and b-roll, we delivered more stripped-down visuals with subtler effects and transitions. Below are some of our intial explorations.

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